【English Edition/Manga || Ready Stock】《Change World》(Vol.1-2)BY:Yuu Minaduki
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《Vol 1》
A longtime crush has blossomed into a dream relationship in this Sayonara Game sequel, until a ghost from the past suddenly appears.
Ever since Yosuke confessed his long-held feelings for Arimura, his life with his new boyfriend has been a dream. But when a work colleague and former college classmate enters the scene, his dream relationship faces its first threat.
Yosuke had a crush on Arimura— an upperclassman from his high school baseball team—for years before he finally confessed his feelings. And even after a year of being his boyfriend, every day still feels like a dream. But after Yosuke is hit on by a work colleague who he doesn’t realize is Arimura’s former college upperclassman, the subsequent reunion of Arimura and his classmate casts a shadow over Yosuke’s dream relationship.
《Vol 2》
Yosuke’s dream relationship with his old high school crush Arimura hits some turbulence when Masato Hozumi, a former college classmate of Arimura’s, makes an appearance. And when Yosuke decides to take a position working overseas, it ends up putting the lovers further at odds. Determined to find out the cause of his boyfriend’s strange behavior, Yosuke confronts Hozumi and learns of the troublemaker’s true intentions!
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